Florida 4-Hour Traffic School Online
4-Hour Basic Driver Improvement Course Online
Traffic School On Your ScheduleOur online 4-hour BDI course is divided up into easy to read sections. By dividing the course into sections this allows you to log in and out of the course anytime you want. No need to sit and complete the course all in one sitting. Spread it out over time or knock it out all at once. You can do our course from any computer which has an internet connection. Whether you’re at home, work, or school, you may log in and continue from where you left off. |
Who Should Take the Course?If you have received a traffic ticket in the state of Florida, or received a court order to take a Basic Driver Improvement Course and/or Traffic Collision Avoidance Course (TCAC) also known as DDS (Defensive Driving School) then this course if for you. Completion of our 4-Hour BDI course allows you to: